What I’ve been up to post work

I left my job in the middle of August, and since then, I’ve mostly been taking it easy. Well, as easy as studying two martial arts, downsizing, moving, fixing up a trailer, kiteboarding, snowboarding, traveling to the Washington coast, camping in the Oregon high desert, and planning my upcoming multi-national trip is. Not to mention sleeping about 10 hours (sometimes more) a day – I’m still surprised I haven’t gone back to 8-9 a night, but oh well. It all sounds like a lot when I write it out, but I have definitely been living a much more relaxed lifestyle than when I was working full time. I’m not going to lie, it’s been pretty great, and I feel really fortunate to be able to take so much time to myself. But I am starting to get a little restless and really excited about the upcoming change of scenery, which brings me to my next post…The plan (or lack thereof)

Oregon High Desert
Photo taken by my lovely wife

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