A New Project: Website Design

Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to start looking into ways to start earning a bit of money while there’s still plenty of time to experiment, have fun, try new things, fail at new things, and try them again before I have to take any truly drastic measures like – gasp – getting a real job (shudder).

Brainstorming income ideas can get kind of overwhelming, there are so many possibilities, each with its pros and cons, and it’s far too easy to get into the trap of thinking I’m somehow setting the course for my life for years to come. So, how to sort through it all? Well, I’m going to start by following my own advice – choose a direction and not a goal, and see where that leads me. One that has been in the back of my mind for a while now is running a website. Well, that looks like a path forward right there. The next big fork was to buy an established website or build one from scratch. That one was actually pretty to decide; I have a lot of free time, and don’t want to spend a lot of money. So building then – right. All this transpired a few months ago, fast forward to today:


Well that wasn’t a full time job or anything, but it was kind of more work than I had anticipated. But hey, I learned a lot, had some fun, and it kept me out of Elani’s hair in the afternoons while she was actually doing paying work. So, how did I end up building a site that compiles quotes by women? Well, as often happens in life, I simply moved forward and ended up somewhere I didn’t really expect.

I started by looking over websites that had sold on one online clearing house and ran across a site making a tidily little profit by compiling generic inspirational quotes and selling ad space. I have no idea why that caught my attention, but it did enough to mention it to Elani. To which she asked, is there any sites like that showcasing woman authors? Not really, none that you can find without digging at any rate. And a quote site was something I was pretty sure I could make (turns out I was right). So we made a deal, Elani would find some awesome quotes and I’d build the platform to bring them to the world.

How’s it going? Well, it’s a little early to tell. We certainly haven’t made any money yet, but we didn’t expect to at this point. Building a website is not like building a baseball field – if you build it, they won’t necessarily come. That means that figuring out how to get folks there is going to be a great lesson.

2 Replies to “A New Project: Website Design”

  1. Great project! If you like, I could connect you to my friend Cyn (my Beaufort, SC and Waldron Island, WA friend) who builds and runs websites for people as her main job these days. She seems to enjoy it alot, especially solving the problems and making them run better….Sometime when you guys are around here, she’ll probably be here then; she’s moving back to Waldron full time next year. Take good care, Ann

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